Our council is pleased to host the February Assembly for our Assembly 1289.

Families and Friends Come and Join Us
Our annual Memorial Mass for deceased Knights and family and friends of the Council will be on MARCH 29, 7:30 PM, at Immaculate Conception. Brother Knight, Rev. Dheo Layosa, pastor of Immaculate Conception, will celebrate the Mass. While we will commemorate the lives of all brothers who have gone to eternal rest before us, we will have a roll call for those who have passed since our previous Memorial Mass. We invite everyone to join us and be a part of this celebration.
As we read in 1 John 3:14-16:
We know that we have passed from death to
life because we love our brothers. Whoever does not
love remains in death. Everyone who hates his brother
is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has
eternal life remaining in him. The way we came to
know love was that he laid down his life for us; so we
ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
After Mass, Knights and families are invited to join the council at our ‘Founders Day’ reception in the Church Hall.
All meetings will have refreshments starting at 7 PM, with the general meeting beginning at 8 PM.
We will have a ‘Fraternal Night’ type gathering on December 15, 2023 at St. Anthony, beginning at 7PM. Agenda to follow.
At our gathering we will have a brief prayer service, present council awards for ‘Knight of the Year’, ‘Family of the Year’, and any special recognition awards. We will have excellent food from La Casa Formoso.
Tickets for our 50-50 have been mailed or emailed that will be drawn that night. Since we have not been able to hold our usual fundraising events, the raffle is very important to us financially. I hope you will participate. You may buy the tickets yourself and sell them to friends and family. If you choose not to participate in the 50-50, I hope you will consider a donation to the council in support of the event.
All checks should be made out to ‘KOFC 9021’ and returned with raffle ticket stubs by our council meeting on Dec 12 to:
James Flynn, Event Chair
KOFC 9021
626 James Lane
River Vale, NJ 07675
You may also Venmo or Zelle id= flynnjmf@gmail.com
Memorial Mass and Officers Installation – All Knights, families, and prospective members invited – 7PM ICC
Join with us as we install the new slate of officers. Bring your family and friends to Mass and then celebrate with us afterwards.
The new leadership team:
Officer Positions | Name |
Grand Knight | Edward P Durfee |
Financial Secretary | Joesph E McGuire |
Deputy Grand Knight | George Degennaro |
Chancellor | Andy B Gullestad |
Recorder | Bruce W de Lyon |
Treasurer | Glenn R Byrd |
Advocate | August J Agostini |
Warden | Michael Laviola |
Inside Guard | Ronald M Camporeale |
Outside Guard | Joseph Didonato |
One Year Trustee | Ciro F Scilingo |
Two Year Trustee | Vincent L Galasso |
Three Year Trustee | Robert L Wojcik |
Appointed Officers | Name |
Chaplain | Reverend Jerry Hahn |
Lecturer | James R Santoro |
Our council has obtained authorization from Norwood Mayor & Council to do a 1 day fund drive at the street corner of Broadway and Livingston St. on Sat. April 26th (rain date May 3rd). Many other councils do their drive in this manner and are very successful in collecting thousands of dollars !!
Most important I want every member to know that no one will stand in the street during our drive. Members will stand on the sidewalk at the street corner and only collect from passenger windows while cars are stopped at red lights – so it will be completely safe for any member to help in this worthy cause. We are using the collection baskets.
Our hope is to work from 8am — 6pm, if we have enough volunteers. We can use up to 4 men per shift, so even if you can only help for 1 hour, please try to help us make this a success!!