All Religious Education Families attend 12:00 Noon Mass, BBQ, and Color Run
Knights opportunity for service. Contact Bill Peragine.
Sacred Heart Parish Picnic
Gather after noon Mass in the prayer garden for picnic
Parishioners last name A-H please provide dessert
I-Z please provide drinks
New Pastor Installation, Fr. Doroteo Layosa
Our Assembly 1289 Color Corps Knights will be there to honor Father Dheo.

Black Tie Affair
The event includes cocktails, dinner, ballroom dancing, raffles and recognition of individuals and families who have provided outstanding service to our church and community.
Hosted by: Bob and Liz Murray
Our council is pleased to host the February Assembly for our Assembly 1289.
Join with our Knights as we lead the Stations of the Cross at St. Anthony Church on Friday March 10. 6:45 pm muster 7:00 pm start.