Memorial Mass and Officers Installation – All Knights, families, and prospective members invited – 7PM ICC
Join with us as we install the new slate of officers. Bring your family and friends to Mass and then celebrate with us afterwards.
The new leadership team:
Officer Positions | Name |
Grand Knight | Edward P Durfee |
Financial Secretary | Joesph E McGuire |
Deputy Grand Knight | George Degennaro |
Chancellor | Andy B Gullestad |
Recorder | Bruce W de Lyon |
Treasurer | Glenn R Byrd |
Advocate | August J Agostini |
Warden | Michael Laviola |
Inside Guard | Ronald M Camporeale |
Outside Guard | Joseph Didonato |
One Year Trustee | Ciro F Scilingo |
Two Year Trustee | Vincent L Galasso |
Three Year Trustee | Robert L Wojcik |
Appointed Officers | Name |
Chaplain | Reverend Jerry Hahn |
Lecturer | James R Santoro |
Patriotic Rosary
for the United States
Our Knights of Columbus Council will hold a recitation of the ‘Patriotic Rosary’ on February 25, at 7:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church in Norwood.
The intention of the Patriotic Rosary is to pray for peace and unity for our country.
All parishioners are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served following the Rosary.
More information about the Knights patriotic rosary can be found at:
Join our Council! The Knights encourage all Catholic men over the age of 18 to join our council. Our focus is on strengthening our faith and supporting our parishes through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. To join or to request more information about the Knights of Columbus go to WWW.KOFC.ORG/JOINUS or scan below.