On the 3rd Wednesday of every month all Knights are welcome to attend a “Respect for Life” Rosary.
This is recited at St. Anthony’s in Northvale at 7PM.
If you can’t make the 3rd Wednesday, the Rosary is recited every Wednesday.
For more information, email: kofc9021@gmail.com
On the 3rd Wednesday of every month all Knights are welcome to attend a “Respect for Life” Rosary.
This is recited at St. Anthony’s in Northvale at 7PM.
If you can’t make the 3rd Wednesday, the Rosary is recited every Wednesday.
For more information, email: kofc9021@gmail.com
Patriotic Rosary
for the United States
Our Knights of Columbus Council will hold a recitation of the ‘Patriotic Rosary’ on February 25, at 7:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church in Norwood.
The intention of the Patriotic Rosary is to pray for peace and unity for our country.
All parishioners are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served following the Rosary.
More information about the Knights patriotic rosary can be found at:
Join our Council! The Knights encourage all Catholic men over the age of 18 to join our council. Our focus is on strengthening our faith and supporting our parishes through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. To join or to request more information about the Knights of Columbus go to WWW.KOFC.ORG/JOINUS or scan below.
On the 3rd Wednesday of every month all Knights are welcome to attend a “Respect for Life” Rosary.
This is recited at St. Anthony’s in Northvale at 7PM.
If you can’t make the 3rd Wednesday, the Rosary is recited every Wednesday.
For more information, email: kofc9021@gmail.com
On the 3rd Wednesday of every month all Knights are welcome to attend a “Respect for Life” Rosary.
This is recited at St. Anthony’s in Northvale at 7PM.
If you can’t make the 3rd Wednesday, the Rosary is recited every Wednesday.
For more information, email: kofc9021@gmail.com
Our council has obtained authorization from Norwood Mayor & Council to do a 1 day fund drive at the street corner of Broadway and Livingston St. on Sat. April 26th (rain date May 3rd). Many other councils do their drive in this manner and are very successful in collecting thousands of dollars !!
Most important I want every member to know that no one will stand in the street during our drive. Members will stand on the sidewalk at the street corner and only collect from passenger windows while cars are stopped at red lights – so it will be completely safe for any member to help in this worthy cause. We are using the collection baskets.
Our hope is to work from 8am — 6pm, if we have enough volunteers. We can use up to 4 men per shift, so even if you can only help for 1 hour, please try to help us make this a success!!